Tag Archives: splinter

Greenland rolling

Last week was a busy one for my skills development.  I don’t have a greenland kayak or a stick paddle or a norsaq.  But I’m still keen. 

A group of eight of us took over a section of Willoughby pool and practised in the heated and clean water.  Thanks to all who loaned me their equipment.  I’m impressed with the Tahe Marine Greenland T kayak, mainly because I can hand roll it more often than not.  I’ve had no success with my hand rolling in other sea kayaks as yet, only the low volume polo kayaks and the Tahe Marine Greenland T.  It is the times that I botch the hand roll that are great ‘learning opportunities’ for me.  What am I doing wrong?  Where does my technique need improving?  It is these questions that have me coming back for more.

And I don’t buy the story that you only need one good roll and that is good enough.  I need rolling skills, I need to know my legs, my body, my arms, my kayak and paddle and how they interact with each other.  I believe that through continued training and greenland rolling development that my one good roll will develop into one darn good roll and I will probably have a few ok alternative rolls to accompany it.  I do not consider myself at all sporting in the traditional fit, co-ordinated and natural way.  So I need practise over long periods of time to compensate but I’m a believer that this practise and absorbing the tuition that others are prepared to give me will yield results.  Eventually.  And besides – rolling is fun.

Thanks for the invite and I hope to roll with the Splinter Group again.